June Bloom: Your Church

June Bloom: Your Church

JUNE 15, 2024

And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.
Acts 15:41

To bloom where we’re planted, we need to be the best version of who we are wherever we are, and that includes the church we attend. We should be a strengthening influence in our local churches. The apostle Paul was intent on strengthening the Body of Christ, and Acts 15:41 brings up a good question: As you go through life, are you strengthening the church you attend?

  • We strengthen the church when we attend regularly, as often as possible.
  • We strengthen the church when we’re warm and supportive in our attitude toward all the other members and toward the leaders.
  • We strengthen the church when we volunteer for those church-related ministries the Lord puts on our hearts.
  • We strengthen the church when we pray for our congregation and provide financial support.

When Jesus returned to heaven, He only ordained one organization to continue His work on earth: His Church. How wonderful we can do as Paul did—going around strengthening the Church.

Christians cannot grow spiritually as they ought to in isolation from one another.
Gene Getz


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Psalms 56 – 68

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