The Voice

Friday, June 21
The Voice
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
John 10:27
On April 9, 1860, a French inventor recorded a ten-second snippet of the song “Au Clair de la Lune” on what he called a phonautograph. It was the first time the human voice had ever been recorded. Oh, don’t you wish we had a recording of the voice of Jesus Christ? One day we’ll hear those clarion tones, but even now, His words reverberate through the Bible, through history, and into eternity.

Recommended Reading:
Psalm 29

When Jesus cast out demons in Mark 3, we see that even the most ferocious demons fled at the word of Jesus. When He spoke the words, “Peace, be still!” in Mark 4:39, the wind and the sea instantly calmed. He told Pontius Pilate in John 18:37, “Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” When He comes at the Rapture, it will be with a shout; and when He comes to end the Battle of Armageddon and usher in His Kingdom, the voice from His mouth will be like a sword to defeat His enemies (Revelation 19:15).
How wonderful to experience the power of Christ’s voice today every time we open our Bibles and listen with our hearts.
A voice, a heavenly voice, I hear! Arise, O soul, come and draw near.
Johan Wallin

Read through the Bible:
Psalms 89 – 94
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